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Bio Life

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Food plays a very important role in our life.


Nutrients from food keep us well and healthy. However, most of the foods consumed today are processed and low in nutrients and are being coined as “lifeless” food. In nutritional terms, “live” food means food that is rich in enzymes.


Over time, due to unhealthy dietary habits and consumption of low energy or processed food, the enzyme in our body will somehow decline. The store of enzymes in our body is further reduced by constant overwork, stress, anxiety, and lack of sleep.


When the level of enzyme becomes too low, resulting in slow metabolic rate, our health will decline. If one does not consume the proper level of enzyme, disease will overtake us. To prevent that, we must continuously replace and supplement our body with “live” or raw and fermented foods that will provide the adequate amount of enzymes for our body every day.


Enzymes are very important protein-like substances that are found in every organ of a living creature; they control the chemical reactions that happen in our body. Known as biological catalysts, they help maintain tissues and orchestrate the many functions of the body to digest food. There are over one thousand types of enzymes in the human body and each of them has its own special characteristics.


They can strengthen the body and maintain one’s good health by:



Taking antibiotics not only destroys all the friendly and unfriendly bacteria in our body but also slows down the rate of generating new cells. By taking enzymes it will improve metabolism in the cells, become more energetic as well as enhance the renewal of cells.



Enzymes strengthen the ability of white blood cells, thus improving the body’s immunity.


Vital to cellular functions, enzymes strengthen and enliven normal cells; at the same time control the growth of infected cells. It digests LDL cholesterol in acidic blood and eliminates it from the body, thus maintaining an optimum pH level in the blood for good circulation.



Enzymes help to turn proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals into nourishments required by cells. They also detoxify, maintain the balance of good bacteria in the intestines, and help in digestion. They also speed up the rate of recovery when consumed together with nutritional supplements or medicines as it enhances their effectiveness.


Benefits of Bio Life

  • Promotes appetite, improves assimilation.

  • Regulates health, promotes metabolism.

  • Maintains health, regulates physical functions of the body.

  • Strengthens the body, promotes longevity.

  • Boosts vitality, removes fatigue.

  • Rejuvenates.

  • Prevents thirst and bad breath, calming.

  • Provides nourishment before and after childbirth.

  • Promotes peristaltic movement of the intestine.

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